Monday, June 14, 2010


abaikan gambar wanita bermate duhitan ini ^o^ hohohoho!

Hell-O folks, it’s been ages ~

I’m having a not-so-long hiatus! Haha! ^.^v

My dashboard turned dusty and rusty.

Whatsup with my hiatus? ^.^


Here are the great ingredients:-

1 teaspoon of L

50 gram of A

3 inches of Z (diced)


2 full spoons of Y

plus, don’t ever forget Mr. Salt and Mrs. Seasoning !

hahaha ^_^

I’m not so-called lazy, but a bit of bz buzz lately. Ape yang bz nye Cik Melati oi? Hihi~ bz

banyakkkk~ (konon2) miahaha~ I’m working on my weekdays as usual. Plus, since the opening of ibu’s café, I spent most full of my weekend there. Hahaha~ ini gelak kurang seposen ikhlas* pheww >.<

Fyi, de’ JANNA Chicken Rice House officially opened on 17th May 2010 located at Bukit Rawang Jaya Fasa 2, Selangor. For those who love Hainan chicken rice style, you must try my mom’s special chicken rice. It’s affordable and some-say delicious ^.^ wheww~

me | kimba | wany @ de' Janna opening~

(TUAN DIREKTOR: “ok miss melati, u can now stop ur promo”) haha! ^.^v

Work: I’m still here in M’sian Stats Dept. woah~ terkejut tak? Haha ^_^ . Still do my sambil-an here. Still and still and still.

ini adelah cik Melati ^.^ hohoho

Xtvts: Nothing much interestin’. I’m not taking my after-work shower lately. Eeeuw! -.-“ . Weekend fulltime workers @ de Janna. Pheww~ . Have VERY early sleep time after work and get up VERY early @2-3a.m in the morning!! This so-called [my WTHimdoing life schedule]

-.-“ duhh~

Him: 1 word.. HAPPYYY!!! ^3^ meow~ owh, he already “pups’ing” his sicky Lacey with Seymour Duncan AHB-3 EMTY, bought tru ebay. Phewww~ Nak ebay gak!! (Jealous) Yayinx, nak iphone!! :P

Aim: ehem, should put ‘s’ --> Aims ~ ngee ^.^v ~ *iphone, sony viao, new wedges, nichii’s legging<--need to reduce lemak <--one of my aim! Hahaha! xD ------------ soklan cepu emas “DUIT ANDA ADEKAH?” -.-“

Successful History: Beliau Berjaya mempertahankan kepanjangan rambut beliau ~ ini kerane, yayinx beliau telah pun memotong rambutnya. Kini, rambut beliau tidak lagi dibayangi rambut yayinx beliau! Hohoho! ^o^

shi belang | shi oyen @ kedai : sile lihat pewot mereke (ayam nashik ayam nashik ayam)

p/s: Memerlukan petua masalah keguguran rambut. Anyone? =’(


meQ said...

ala potong rambot pendekkkk...hakhakhak....

Melati Shaari said...

tawu la ade wurang tu da foton itu lambut~
sayang laaaa~
nak lagikkk panjang dr ambot adam~ hahahahar!! <--gelak jaat ^o^